Hey so I am adding a few pictures if you can't tell ;) !!! lol... so the first one is a very random one from the BYU vs UCLA game! We totally dominated 59-0!!! Yeay!! Go BYU Blue!!!
The second pct is me and Kelsey (one of 5 roommies!)! we are getting a jamba juice after the game! Yummy!
The third pct is of all my roomies and Michael Phelps!!! Yeay! Of course this wouldn't have been possible without Kelseys apple computer & her amazing photo program! yayy!!
The fourth pct is of me! I must have been happy at this FB Game!!! lol... it was fun but way way hot!
Here's the update ;)
well I am still doing great! I am loving all my classes which include... American Heritage, Psychology, Chemistry, Math, Book of Mormon, & a Freshman Seminar class... ! I love them all and I have great professors for all of them!
Sorry if you were expecting news of many cute boys ;) lol.... there are many, I just haven't really inquired after them yet ;) Most the guys in my classes are freshman except in my chem 105 and math 119 classes... maybe that's why they are more fun than my others lol...
well speaking of classes, if I don't go fix me breakfast soon, I will be late for classes!
Luv you all!
Thank You All!
Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!