Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A million or two pictures + or - a few ;)
So Here are a ton of pictures!~ I will explain each as I go through them ;) They are from my most recent visit to home <3
Here is Carmel. Everyone's favorite horse! Except my dad, he prefers Leroy ;)
Speaking of the loft... here it is~ quite the loft. Clay and his friends have had loads of fun in it building a fort. I think Dad had him clean it up a bit ;)
And here is Leroy. Dad's Favorite! He is pretty good~!~
So I have no idea where this white sheep came from... Usually there is a black sheep in a 100 white ones so the shepherd can quickly count his livestock. Maybe that's why?
This is my Dad's favorite fench that he can't wait to get rid of. It's huge and is blocking the view of the beautiful mountain range~ Someday it will all be gone...
The beautiful brown eggs that our chickens lay! Very delicious and nutritious! we have I think 12-15 chickens that lay 8 eggs every day! That is a lot of eggs!
One of my favorite pictures!~ haha! This was totally spur of the moment. I was just taking a close up and then when I was looking through the pictures a few minutes later, this was what I got. Pretty funny stuff!
This is what I think is one of the cutest calves ever! So cute and brown with a white star on his forehead. lol... pretty cute. maybe because he is the only brown with 12 black calves around him. Still cute!
This is my beautiful younger sister, quite stunning in her dress ready for Prom! too bad her birthday is not until April and she isn't 16 yet. She is wonderful! <3>
CLAY! On Reed's bike, taking after Reed~ Clay popping his wheelie. I think he is excited for summer to start ;) That night me and Clay shot the .22 and well, he has a way better shot than me... I guess that is a good thing lol...
My wonderful father! I wanted to go take pictures of the calves and Clay & Dad walked out to see them with me. I am so lucky to have them both!
So in comparison to my cute brown calve, this is the next one competing for 1st~ He is pretty cute too!
Now, this sight is not near as cute! I was sitting up in the loft of the barn taking pictures of the horses and I look over and see this! Ahhh! I called Dad who told me to go get the gun and shoot it... well I got the gun and followed its tracks but couldn't find it. It was a huge skunk! oh wow! At least I didn't get skunked by the spray though ;)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A quote surrounded by a frame.
Well, thanks to Deanna, I created a pretty cute gift for my roommates birthday this weekend. She is actually going to be gone to a track meet and I will be at home, so I already delivered it to her. It turned out really cute! The quote reads:
So after changing the color of the picture and finding out that I was out of ink... I went to open my new ink cartridge!
(Another story...) Stupid me for not paying attention.... So I bought two new ink cartridges one black 98 and another color 95. My black runs out and when I open the new black and put it in my printer, turns out I got the correct color number and the wrong black number. Ahhh! So upsetting when you find that out considering how expensive ink is. So I called Deanna and Keith, complained to them (that's what I usually do when I get upset, call Deanna!) and she assures me that I can take it back to Staples opened and they will exchange it. So in this whole process, before I found out that you can take the opened one back, I up and bought a new single black. So finally I take all the cartridged back, get my money back for the single black and exchange the color and other black for the correct package of black/color and walah! I can finally print in color and black now! So exciting~ That would be my tramatic experience last week ;) back to my other story of the gift... I got it done and it turned out great! Thanks Deanna!
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay for a while leaving footprints in our hearts
and we are forever changed."
and we are forever changed."
I found some really cute ribbon (orange is her favorite color, so it had to be in it) and a really cute frame and a craft store and *gasp!* it was $17.oo. It was very tempting to get... so... when I went to check out !Suprise! the frame was 50% off! that made the entire gift under $9.00! That pretty much made my day.
So after changing the color of the picture and finding out that I was out of ink... I went to open my new ink cartridge!
(Another story...) Stupid me for not paying attention.... So I bought two new ink cartridges one black 98 and another color 95. My black runs out and when I open the new black and put it in my printer, turns out I got the correct color number and the wrong black number. Ahhh! So upsetting when you find that out considering how expensive ink is. So I called Deanna and Keith, complained to them (that's what I usually do when I get upset, call Deanna!) and she assures me that I can take it back to Staples opened and they will exchange it. So in this whole process, before I found out that you can take the opened one back, I up and bought a new single black. So finally I take all the cartridged back, get my money back for the single black and exchange the color and other black for the correct package of black/color and walah! I can finally print in color and black now! So exciting~ That would be my tramatic experience last week ;) back to my other story of the gift... I got it done and it turned out great! Thanks Deanna!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Just the Norm
Not much has been going on, just the norm...
Today I got all my laundry done, clothes, sheets, bed quilt, everything! It is so nice to sleep in clean sheets~ That's my favorite!
School is going, it's long, but I am enjoying it. I am excited for Spring term and then emidiately after finals I pack my stuff and go camping for a week.
Following that it's back to work. Only not school, by that time I really will be working... lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons. If you know anyone who wants swim lessons and is close to Lava, let me know, I will soon be signing up people. So that will consist of 40 hrs a week lifeguarding and 10-15 hours of lessons a week.
After that I will be happy to get back to school. Hopefully I can get in a bit of time on the ranch too. It has been pretty windy this week and it makes me want to go put on my cowgirl get up and go for a horse ride. Doesn't that just sound great?
As of right now, I am watching Twister in my kitchen and typing a new post for this blog ;) and tomorrow I am going to the Draper Temple Open House and then it's on to Idaho Falls to spend a weekend with Deanna and her boys! So excited! Then it's a Cedar Badge meeting, home to Chesterfield for a few hours and then back to Provo! Wow, that's a busy schedule! Well, I'm headed to bead, or I guess I will finish the movie first... Night everyone! Love you all <3
Today I got all my laundry done, clothes, sheets, bed quilt, everything! It is so nice to sleep in clean sheets~ That's my favorite!
School is going, it's long, but I am enjoying it. I am excited for Spring term and then emidiately after finals I pack my stuff and go camping for a week.
Following that it's back to work. Only not school, by that time I really will be working... lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons. If you know anyone who wants swim lessons and is close to Lava, let me know, I will soon be signing up people. So that will consist of 40 hrs a week lifeguarding and 10-15 hours of lessons a week.
After that I will be happy to get back to school. Hopefully I can get in a bit of time on the ranch too. It has been pretty windy this week and it makes me want to go put on my cowgirl get up and go for a horse ride. Doesn't that just sound great?
As of right now, I am watching Twister in my kitchen and typing a new post for this blog ;) and tomorrow I am going to the Draper Temple Open House and then it's on to Idaho Falls to spend a weekend with Deanna and her boys! So excited! Then it's a Cedar Badge meeting, home to Chesterfield for a few hours and then back to Provo! Wow, that's a busy schedule! Well, I'm headed to bead, or I guess I will finish the movie first... Night everyone! Love you all <3
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Thank you for being wonderful!