Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Life Should Be Enjoyed

So today when I was talking with my mom and just about ready to say my good-byes... my dad decides he would like to give me some advice. The advice he gave me is a quote from President Hinckley

"In all Living, have much fun and laughter.
Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."

Since then... the whole rest of my day has changed. I have thought about not only enduring to the end, but enjoying the journey along the way. That doesn't mean that all should do is have fun, but that I should like what I'm doing so I can do my best.

So far in college, I have loved the experience. But I am also enduring the difficult classes and the many decisions that I have never been faced with. For a while I have been only enduring and kind of enjoying everything. I need to be more joyful. I'm sure that if everyone was joyful the world would be a much happier place.

In my room at my apartment I have many reminders (wall hangings, quotes, RS & YW projects) that remind me to be more Christlike. One of my favorites is a plaque that says "SIMPLIFY" ~ it's one of my favorites because that is how we enjoy the moments of the time... by simplifying and realizing they are right before our eyes.

;) So this past post is pretty long, but it is something I have thought about today those who read this blog get the pleasure to be the people I share it with! :)


1 comment:

Deanna said...

What wonderful advice!

Stephanie, you are wise beyond your years. I'm so blessed to have you not only as a sister, but as a friend.

Hopefully I'll be finishing up your quilt this week, and I'll bring it down to our Thanks Giving Dinner.

Much love and admiration,

Thank You All!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!

"Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured."