Sunday, April 6, 2008


Somehow, I can't wait for college to start, but I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing either... It is all so very confusing and I am getting frustrated... Hopefully I'll get it all figured out soon!


Deanna said...

You posted!!! YEAH!!!! I like your new blog layout! Cute! Would you like me to make a header for you? Oh - I think I can con Ryan's mom into watching Tanner on Friday. Can I bring Taylor? I might get her to watch him, too, but I don't think he'll take a bottle from her - he hasn't had a bottle yet, period. What do you think?

Stephanie Crandall said...

I THink Your AweSome! & Don't worry about it that you couldn't come. My pictures turned out amazing! almost as amazing as you are! Thankx!

Thank You All!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!

"Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured."