Thursday, May 22, 2008

2008 GrAdUaTe!

Well, I'm done! Done with High School that is! Yeah! I graduated as Valedictorian and gave a wonderful speech on service and success. It was marvelous! I was especially excited that my Grandpa Crandall came up. That ment so much to me. Grandpa came up with Keith, and then Deanna, Ryan, Tanner, & Taylor also came.
It feels wonderful to be graduated!
On Sunday morning I leave for Hawaii with my mom, Katelyn, and my school choir. I'm also way excited for that!



Deanna said...

Sweet! You did AWESOME on your speech. I loved it! The presentation was WONDERFUL!

I love you so much! It's been so much fun being here with you...Have a bLaSt in Hawaii!

Cathy Lloyd said...

Congratulations Stephanie! Enjoy your new freedom...that is until August! LOL! Have fun in Hawaii! XOXO!

Cari said...

Contratulations Stepahnie!! I'm so happy for you. You are simply wonderful!! Have a fun trip and I'll get to see you in September!! BIG HUGS - Aunt Carolyn

Deanna said...

do you need a new header?

Thank You All!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!

"Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured."