Sunday, May 17, 2009

Home is Home no matter where... As long as your family is there

WaLa! Look at us go! This was last night~ I was home for an overnighter for Cedar Badge and when me, Mom, Dad, & Clay got home that afternoon and after I got back from taking by CPR & AED test at Lava, we had a fire and roasted marshmellows and hotdogs! What a party!

Clay made the chocolate part of his cake and Mom made the delicious topping. Wow, it was good!

What a fun time to be home with the family! I am almost done with school... well, not really. I am only 1/4 the way through the term. But it is going very fast.!. that's a good thing~

Yay! I finally posted something! haha! good!


Deanna said...

This post is so fun! I love the pictures. So awesome!!! Katelyn did a good job taking them...or were these the ones YOU took? :) Love ya, sis!

Nikki said...

How fun! I love being with the family, don't you? It's the best part of summer in my opinion. ;) Are you moving home this summer or will you stay here?

Thank You All!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!

"Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured."