Saturday, July 19, 2008

Unskaved by the skunk!

Well, quite an exciting event happened on Thurseday. lol... I was sitting in a hammock out in the back yard checking my emails and studying for a test with the computer. When all of a sudden! I look up for a moment and there is a SKUNK looking at me not 10 yards from where I lay!. I was quite suprised myself and quickly text keith "THERE IS A SKUNG BY THE PROPANE TANK!! HURRY!!" not seconds later, Keith comes running outside with a gun and shoots the poor thing ;)

; ) luckily I was inside before the stentch reached me!

Anyhow, that is my most famous skunk tale!

Tootles~ & Lata~!


Deanna said...

that is so funny! Mom started to tell me what had happened, but I never heard the end of the story. Glad you're safe!

Cari said...

Glad he got the skunk and not the propane tank. That would have been quite an event!! Love you tons!! Aunt Carolyn

Thank You All!

Dear Everyone,
Thank you for being wonderful!

"Life is to be Enjoyed, not just Endured."